Here you will find resources, publications, posters and other awareness raising material that will help us prevent child sexual abuse. Use the links below to download and review Parents Protect! and Stop it Now!'s publications. If you would like to order copies of any materials included here, email or call 01372 847160.
Materials and Postage charges
In the past Parents Protect! and Stop it Now! materials have been made available free of charge. However, with reductions in funding we are no longer in a position to be able to offer materials at no cost. It may be possible to send some small free of charge but large orders incur a minimal fee. The postage of all orders will need to be paid by the receiver. Please contact us for more information on charges.
Download for free - but consider a donation
Many of the items below are free to download, and we want to continue to provide free information and research to help adults, parents and carers protect children from harm when we can. However, we have limited funds available to develop and print materials and we welcome support from individuals.
If you can make a donation to help support our work please follow this link.
"These leaflets are really informative for parents/careers and what you can say to children about this subject"
Parents Protect poster
This poster gives the details of the Parents Protect website, for parents, carers and professionals to get advice and support to help keep children safe online and offline.
Download PDF
When ordering, please quote item code PP08

Parents Protect
This leaflet details some of the key points made on the Parents Protect website.
It gives advice around what we should all be thinking about and encourages people to find out more. You can also use the front page as a poster - at your workplace, community venue or school.
Download PDF (1.3MB)
When ordering please quote item code PP06 (A5)

SMART rules for adults to share with children
To help a child learn any set of rules it is important to go through them and explain why you want the child to remember them. There is no 'one-size-fits' all but these SMART rules offer some suggestions about ways to communicate positively with children.
Download postcard PDF (0.3MB)
Download postcard Welsh language version PDF (0.3MB)
When ordering please quote item code PP04 (Postcard)

SMART rules for adults to share with each other
Child sexual abuse and sexual exploitation is something we would rather not think or talk about - but the best way of protecting children is for adults to do just that! This postcard details some SMART rules for parents and carers to share with each other.
Download postcard PDF (0.3MB)
Download postcard Welsh language version PDF (0.3MB)
When ordering please quote item code PP03 (Postcard)

NEW - Family Safety Plan
Create a family safety plan to keep children safe.
Download booklet PDF (5.1MB)
Download booklet Welsh language version PDF (5.1MB)

Simple conversations to keep your child safe from abuse.
The NSPCC has developed a guide for parents and carers to use with children to help keep them safe. The Underwear Rule teaches children that their body belongs to them, they have a right to say no, and that they should tell an adult if they're upset or worried.
Download PDF(2.9MB)

Learn the underwear rule.
The NSPCC has developed a guide for parents and carers to use with children to help keep them safe. The Underwear Rule teaches children that their body belongs to them, they have a right to say no, and that they should tell an adult if they're upset or worried.
Download PDF(1.5MB)

Help for parents to keep their children safe online.
The Internet Matters website contains useful information about risks, internet safety and how parents can help protect children and young people online. Their simple and practical advice outlines the steps you can take as a parent at each stage of your child’s development to keep them as safe as possible.

Help for young people to learn about consent.
Brook’s website tackles the topic of consent and makes this information clear and easy to digest for young people. This resource can be particularly helpful in answering their questions or worries and to navigate their sexual development in a safe and positive way.

Advice for parents about discussing sex, relationships and consent.
Thinkuknow provides useful guidance about how to bring up the vital yet daunting conversation of consent. What’s normal, what should you be worried about, how do you have ‘the talk’? Take a look at the information available to equip yourself for those trickier conversations.,72,73&ref=4767#mMain

PReventing gender-based violence.
Action Breaks Silence is an educational charity, established to create a world where women and girls can live their lives free from the fear and threat of gender-based violence. Working with girls, boys and teachers, their training, workshops, interventions and youth ambassador programmes tackle sexual harassment and sexual violence, with targeted strategies to address issues such as gender inequality and toxic masculinity, which underpin harmful sexual behaviour.